Dedicated to excellence

About Generations

Generations is a unique genealogy services enterprise founded and personally run by Ian Handricks. Ian has been providing comprehensive genealogy research and authoring services for more than 40 years. He has researched, written and published a large number of history books for many New Zealand and international families.
Carole Grant
The name of this great mentor stayed with me until 2012 when I phoned to ask if he could assist with collating my family history. It was within a week that he produced pages of interesting information about my family. His ability to work on little sleep meant that he was able to compile and produce a very detailed 1200 page document. It came as a set of three books, beautifully bound with colourful images that added life to the final production.
That genealogy project had been a work in progress for over thirty-five years. On deciding to collate all the information into a Family History we needed somebody with the expertise to bring all our information together and organise it into book form. We approached Ian who was immediately enthusiastic about the possibilities. It became a collaboration between the three of us to produce a memorable book. Input from Mary’s research and other members of our family plus many photographs were combined with further research by Ian to produce a family history to be proud of.
Barbara Anderson
I have known Ian Handricks for over 15 years and he has helped me to produce family history books and his advice here has been invaluable. He expects high standards of anything he produces and honours his word at all times. Ian is an Honorary Life Member of our SeniorNet Computing Club and is a favourite speaker of our members.

George Lock